Audiobook Week 2012: My Audiobook Year

25 06 2012

I was really struggling for a while with exactly what focus I should take this year for Audiobook Week. As a blog that is almost exclusively Audiobook content, I don’t need a specific week to celebrate my love of audiobooks. I have talked a lot about audiobooks over the past year, and when I discovered the first day’s topic would be my audiobook year, I continued to try to figure out exactly what I should do.

Since I review every audiobook I listen to, you can pretty much see how my Audiobook year has gone. I was involved in a few special events, including Zombie Awareness Month and Armchair Audies, but I have talked about that a lot elsewhere. I could play Audiobook evangelist again, like I did during Armchair BEA this year, but for Audiobook Week, I would be preaching to the choir. I have told my audiobook enthusiast origin stories many times before including interviews at The Literate Housewife and I’m A Book Shark.

So, I started to think about my audiobook year, in terms of how I have changed as a listener. Back before I blogged, my listening habits were quite different than they are now. I used to find authors I liked, and listen to their entire backlist. I often times had a hard time figuring out what I wanted to listen to next, particularly because I relied so heavily on my Library and Overdrive. Yet, now, I almost never listen to authors back to back, and I have such a huge TBR pile that I often have my listens planned out weeks in advance. A lot of factors have made me a different listener, but the biggest factor that has turned me into the listener I am today is The Audiobook Community.

Publishers, bloggers, narrators, authors and the listeners I have interacted with over my blog have transformed me into the listener I am today. I have developed relationships with Publishers, beyond them just sending me review copies. I have received encouragement, suggestions, support, promotion and recommendations tailored to me and my blog. Other bloggers have encouraged me to read outsider of my comfort zone. I have received kind notes of encouragement from authors and audiobook listeners who have told me that they have discovered new authors and narrators through my blog. And narrators are a source of information, encouragement and amusement on an almost daily basis.

The Audiobook Community has made me want to be a better blogger. They have pushed me to bring out consistent content and timely and relevant reviews. Blogging can be a frustrating, and sometimes thankless experience. Sometimes you can question what the point of it is, and ask whether it’s worth the time and the effort you put into what is basically a hobby. Yet, when I am frustrated, someone does something that let’s me know it is worth it.

So, this week I decided to focus my Audiobook Week posts on the Audiobook Community. I have chosen titles for review that I discovered through blogs, social media or other interactions with audiobook people. The majority of these titles are a bit outside of my comfort zone, or titles I had been on the fence about, but someone did something to push me over.

Also this week I will be posting interviews I did with Audiobook people. So, I hope you enjoy. If you are a regular reader/follower, expect a marked increase in content this week. If you are new to this blog, welcome, and if I help you discover one book to add to you pile, then I have done my job. Feel free to leave comments, interacted with me and make suggestions or recommendations. Have a great Audiobook Week.


Today For Audiobook Week:

A Review of A Long, Long Time Ago and Essentially True by Brigid Pasulka read by Cassandra Campbell

An Interview with Ted Scott, Audiobook Editor with Skyboat Road Creative Productions and 50 Nugget Wash Productions

Update: So many people are talking about how many Audiobooks they listened to since last years Audiobook Week, that I had to count. Using my reviews as a barometer, from week after Audiobook Week 2011, to today, I’ve reviewed 185 Audiobooks, which is roughly in line with what I did in all of 2011. For just 2012, I have listened/reviewed 96 Audiobooks.



13 responses

25 06 2012

The audiobook community is great and I love that that’s the theme for your posts this week. It’s especially neat to discover audiobook gems that are outside of your comfort zone. And Audiobooks are a perfect way to try something new. Looking forward to your audiobook features this week!

25 06 2012
Laurie C

You are very much appreciated by this blogger. I don’t usually read reviews closely before listening to an audiobook, but your recommendations are a good guide, and I come back to read your full review after I’ve finished listening. Just recently, based on what I read on your blog during Zombie Awareness Month, I purchased (purchased!) Feed and Zombie Fallout on audio.

25 06 2012

I had the same problem with trying to come up with something original for today’s post! I ended up recapping an audiobook experience this year that touched on new discovery and a title to recommend!

I certainly can relate you your “blog-existential crises!” I’ve been struggling a bit with it myself, though you seem to have come out of it while I’m still contemplating how to take the blog to the next level (or shut it down…)

25 06 2012

Great post! I love that you’ve had such a great experience with audiobooks. I have a few narrators whom I really enjoy, but I try to stick to my favourite genres.

I’ve just started really getting into audiobooks this year and really love them! I’ve listened to 15 of them so far … they’re great!

25 06 2012
Nise' (Under the Boardwalk)

I appreciate your blog and review style! Your reviews have encouraged me to step outside of my comfort zone. Sorry, I don’t comment often enough to encourage you!

25 06 2012

I know what you mean. For example I loooved A Grown Up Kind of Pretty but decided to take a break before listening to another Joshilyn Jackson.

25 06 2012
Kristin T.

Other than when listening to series, I tend to vary who and what I listen to. I don’t listen to nearly as much as you do, but I’ve finished a fair amount since last Audio Book week. I love that everyone is always willing to share their thoughts on this and the audiobook community is very helpful!

Kristin @ Always With a Book

25 06 2012

I enjoy this week to interact with other audiobook lovers. thanks for your post. see how my audiobook year has been, and my 3 favorite titles:

25 06 2012
DevourerofBooks (@DevourerofBooks)

I love your idea for an emphasis! I haven’t been as involved with ABC as I would like, maybe this fall I can get into it.

25 06 2012
Literate Housewife

I love this post, Bob! I agree that the community has made me a better listener and has expanded my horizons. Audiobooks all on their own are great, no doubt about it. The passion comes from and through the community, though.

25 06 2012
Michelle Erin (@michelleerin)

Looking forward to your posts this week. The audiobook community really is great, isn;t it?

25 06 2012

I’m slowly discovering the Audiobook Community… will look forward to your posts this week!

25 06 2012
Tanya Patrice

I’m very much the newbie to audiobooks, but I love your emphasis for this week. Honestly, I haven’t paid much attention to the narrators – some, but not enough, and thanks to the ABC – I’ve started.

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